A review by joreadsbooks
Heat & Light by Jennifer Haigh


For people who are interested in learning about fracking and how it can affect an entire community, Heat & Light is a must read. The prose is simple and devastating. Haigh clearly has a grasp of the people and community she has created in this book. I love how elegantly she revealed the ties among the cast of characters. The author does a good job integrating personal relationships with the economic decision to start drilling and the history of fuel manufacture in the area.

While I liked the overall pacing and flow of the story, my problem is the sheer number of characters. For the most part, I didn't need half of them. Fracking and long-term illness were enough to tackle. I'm not sure Darren's addiction and the exploration of Mack's sexual orientation were truly necessary to understand the other characters and Bakerton as a whole.

Heat & Light gives a refreshing perspective to an issue I had only read about in papers and seen on bumper stickers throughout my college town in upstate New York.