A review by books4biana
Enchantment: A Classic Fantasy with a Modern Twist by Orson Scott Card


I was challenged to read a book with magic. Now, that's not hard....it's a very popular genre these days and I probably own about 10 magically books on my own personal book shelf. But I wanted it to be different. Not the traditional, expected answers. I haven't read Tolkien and this would be a great time to do so, but it didn't feel right. So I sought out new and non traditional answers. Enter Orson Scott Card.

Last year I read Ender's Game. I wanted to see the movie and knew that it would be woefully incomplete. But I wanted to see the movie. So I prepared by reading the book. (It went wonderfully, thanks for asking) Since then, I had not ventured back to any of his books. This was unlike Ender's Game so now i'm curious about more of this stuff!

One of my favorite genres, I guess you would say, is the twisted fairy tales. I like stories that i've known inside and out for decades to be revisited and represented. I think that this story started there, a simple Sleeping Beauty with a beast guarding her sleeping form. But it turned into Russian folklore, which I'm NOT familiar with. WONDERFUL.

I will admit that the ending was pretty predictable. But I didn't even mind.