A review by sc104906
Seven Days of You by Cecilia Vinesse


Thanks to Little Brown for sending me an ARC of this book.

Sophia has been living in Tokyo for the past few years, but now that her mom's sabbatical is over, her family is heading back to the States. A week before she is to leave, Jamie Foster, a boy who left a year after she landed in Japan comes back. However, there is bad blood between the two, he had a huge crush on her, she had/has a huge crush on another friend, strong words were exchanged before he left. Sophia doesn't want to hang out with him, but he is a key part of her best friend group. Serious drama gets thrown down in the bestie group, between Mika, David, Jamie and Sophia. Sophia finds herself seeking comfort and developing feelings for Jamie. Flirty adventures begin.

I had fun with this book. It was light and breezy. I totally liked the adventures and cute little touristy spots throughout Tokyo. Characters were frustrating at times, but I felt it made the characters more complex than they are in similar novels. Some people may suck, but they don't altogether suck.