A review by caylarich
King Maker by Audrey Grey


2.5 stars but rounded up cause I'm feeling generous & there was more Stolas content. That's basically the only reason I'm here to begin with. It's hard to enjoy a book when the main character makes you want to facepalm yourself repeatedly.

Picture this: Our main character making every bad decision 100% of the time. Going against EVERY-BLASTED-THING their friends & loved ones suggest. (Keep in mind some of these friends are hundreds/thousands of years old..so they've been around the block a few times & seen some shit). This same character is just..running amok making hairbrained, spur of the moment decisions AGAIN & AGAIN with no thought of future consequences in regards to her dumbass or others. THAT MY FRIENDS IS HAVEN ASHWOOD.

When I'm reading a series, character development & growth are things that I try to pay attention to. King Maker is 3/5 in the Kingdom of Runes series. Haven is just as impulsive, reckless, & dare I say STUPID as she was in Oath Taker. She is a 17ish year old mortal who for some reason thinks she knows what is best for any situation, at any time, no matter that basically all of her plans fail 95% of the time & she, (or someone close to her), ends up dead AF.

So why am I still reading this hot garbage?! Two words: Stolas & Free.
I have Kindle Unlimited so the whole series is free to enjoy through that platform.
Stolas Darkshade checks all my bad boy main character boxes, & I was impatiently waiting for SOME PLOT THINGS to happen. Since most of those thingsss transpired in this installment I'll probably refrain from finishing this series. I've read this basic ass plot over & over again for the last 10 years. It reminds me a lot of SJM's Thorns & Roses series, but the writing isn't as good. Grey doesn't do anything different to make her stories stand out in the long run.