A review by vickylou
Baiting Him by Aurora Rose Reynolds


Brilliant addition to the series. Loved both Chrissie & Gus... and LeFou too!! Still hoping that this is going to develop into a HUGE series... cos this, so far, really ticks my boxes.

Still thinking that Eli may get a tale ( from the 'Catching Him' ) and now Anna Bell too... and others!!

Great read, smooth and satisfying.

22/02/21 Right... something I neglected on the previous review... my absolute distaste of the dad and the resolution of that thread. He was the one who was cheating on his wife of DECADES... he was the one who married his mistress really quickly... he was the one who ghosted his kids ( yes, they are adults... but he is still their dad... who apparently was very present in their lives up until that point ). The fact that people fall out of love... absolutely... but, it is the way that a person deals with that is their current life that is the way that we understand who that person is ( and also, the 'other woman' too... she was having sex with a person who was in a long term marriage... wrong, wrong, wrong... ). I thought he was atrocious. He put everything on them... and then, he had his new interest there at the cafe. Yeah, she wasn't at the same table but still. She was present. And he had the audacity to be affronted when they referred to her as 'the woman you left mom for'. Bollocks. Absolute bollocks. I'm not sure if the author was trying to garner sympathy for the situation... but, for me, nope. Not at all. Then... then... good grief... Chrissie asks him to walk her down the aisle. That is so dis-respectful to her mum. Even if her mum were totally coping... to have her cheating ex-husband and his mistress/now wife there... in a fundamental role... so wrong and unfair... cos if the mum had made any kind of sounds of distress, the mum would've been the one who was deemed to have a problem. Really hated this part so much. It left a nasty taste. And I dropped a star rating for this... and as I continue to write... I am getting more irritated by it.

Annnnddd... what was with naming the siblings Chrissie and Chris? How fraking confusing must that have been when they were kids??