A review by ddejong
American Icon: Alan Mulally and the Fight to Save Ford Motor Company by Bryce G. Hoffman


I had to read this book for one of my MBA classes and was not expecting to like it much given my total lack of interest in the auto industry, Ford, Detroit, etc. As it turned out, this is probably one of the most inspiring books I've ever read, and I found it to be both incredibly compelling and very fast-paced to read. I've never wanted to be a CEO (okay I still don't), but after reading about what Alan Mulally did at Ford I kinda sorta wanted to be one for a hot second. This is a remarkable story of leadership and massive cultural change throughout a huge organization. It was also really interesting to learn the whole back story of what Ford had done to put itself in the position of being the only one of the Big 3 to avoid bankruptcy and a government bail-out during the financial crisis. Bryce Hoffman is a fantastic writer, and I was super impressed by his organization of the narrative and his prose. Highly recommended.