A review by serinde4books
A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin

The next book in this epic fantasy did not disappoint, and finally I moved beyond the show and read something that I didn't already know. Although, my library due date came, and I hadn't finished the book but I couldn't extend my time because someone else had reserved it, so I had to literally read the last 424 pages in 24 hours, whew! But I didn't really get to digest either. The Red Wedding was horrible but in the show, so I knew it was coming, although in the show Robb's pregnant wife was at the wedding, and in the book she wasn't so maybe he knocked her up and their is a chance for a Stark baby. I love that Sansa married Tyrion, I just wish she wasn't such a bitch to him, he deserves a good woman. I think Sansa could actually come to appreciate him, and the good man that he is if she could just get her head out of her ass. He has always been kind and respectful to her, and the fact that he didn't force himself on her shows that he is more of knight than any of the stupid pretty boys she thinks she wants. I hope that they actually work out, it would redeem Sansa in my eyes for getting her father killed, at least she would grow beyond the stupid girl she is. I hope Ayra becomes an assassin, she would be awesome. I'm glad she got her Needle back, now to find her wolf. Jon deserves the command of the Wall, he will save the world!
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