A review by blurrypetals
Forever by Maggie Stiefvater


Well, I was going to give this four stars when I was around page 340, then I changed my mind to three stars when Cole "died," then I went back to four when we found out he was still alive. My mood was still sour when he and Isabel didn't really end up together, but it didn't affect me enough to change the rating again.

Compared to Linger, this book was golden. Grace was much more bearable and Sam was a little less mopey. The thing that saved Linger was Isabel's and Cole's dynamic, and I'm glad that dynamic stayed afloat for this book, too.

I have to say that I'm still not very emotionally invested in these books. I didn't really care whether the wolves lived or died, to be honest (Cole aside). When characters died (again, Cole aside) I felt absolutely nothing. No sadness. No elation. Nothing. Nada. So, that's the only thing that bugged me. I really didn't care about the main objective, and that made this book kind of boring for me.

Stiefvater's writing was very poetic and beautiful throughout the whole series, and it was another something that kept me reading. She has a way of crafting sentences that both sound and look good. I really think she should be a poet, though, not a novelist. I have no issue with her being a novelist, and I don't think she should stop being one, but I really think she would thrive in poetry and free verse. Just sayin'.

All in all, it was a fitting ending to the series. I'm neither thrilled by it nor disappointed by it. It was just okay - just like the rest of the series.