A review by throwback682
The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride

Did not finish book. Stopped at 72%.
I had to stop reading this book when I got to the part where Dodo meets the Son of Man. :
It’s implied that he’s a pedophile.
I tried to find out online whether it goes any further than that /
if there’s a child rape scene / how graphic it is.
but I wasn’t able to find the information so I just had to stop. 

My impressions of the first 70% of the audiobook were 

- that the narrator is really talented and voices many different characters distinctly and well. 

- there are a ton of characters and it’s hard to keep everyone straight. There  was constantly a new person  entering and their backstory being told. The book was really trying to do a lot. It felt like how I tell stories when I don’t have my ADHD meds. 

- but many  of the characters were very compelling and I do want to know how it ends

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