A review by kp_hobbitreads
A Destiny of Dragons by TJ Klune


#1 The Lightning-Struck Heart: ★★★★★ | 5 stars
#2 A Destiny of Dragons: ★★★★★ | 5 stars

This was an utterly delightful read and everything I wanted for a follow-up to The Lightning-Struck Heart. (And, just like with the first book, I highly, highly recommend the audiobook. Michael Lesley does a fantastic job bringing these characters to life. He gets another A++ from me.)

It's been a year since we saw our heroes last. Gary is still sassy, Kevin is still horny, Sam and Ryan are even more in love, and Tiggy is still the best of all of them. But, of course this is Sam of Wilds we're talking about so nothing stays calm for long. Sam's grandmother shows up in the City of Locke's with a dire prophecy and a man she claims in Sam's true cornerstone. You can imagine that this announcement went over about like a lead balloon.

Before long our group of heroes are off on a quest to gather the remaining dragons and defeat the evil coming for them. And, it goes exactly like you would expect - and by that I mean it's utter chaos all the time. There is an abundance of banter, but this book also has a slightly more serious tone. Now, don't get me wrong. It still had me cracking up many, many times. But, the world TJ Klune is creatine has expanding and Sam is learning things that change both the way he sees himself and the people he loves. It's a hard thing to learn that your heroes aren't infallible. They're people just like you.

Also, I will note that while there is some angst about the whole "true cornerstone" business Sam is adamant that he will never pick anyone but Ryan and I really loved that. The angst in the first book about killed me - I did not need a repeat of that. "Because once upon a time, he told me that he looked upon the stars and wished for nothing more than me. And that’s not something I can ever let go.” *swoon*

Three Thoughts:
1. Sam explaining what love feels like had me all up in my feelings. And someone must have been chopping onions nearby cause my eyes got all watery.
2. Sam's grandma Vadoma is kinda the worst, but I ended up just feeling bad for Ruv. Though I am obviously Team HaveHeart forever, he's not actually a bad guy. And, I hope he finds the person who is meant for him.
3. Three words: Emo. Teen. Dragon.

I had a blast reading this book. I have a feeling this story is only going to get more intense, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

content warnings: violence, possession, death, use of the word g*psy, crude/offensive humor, fatphobia, mentions of past abuse, sex (on page)