A review by rgyger
Goddess Tithe by Anne Elisabeth Stengl


This story goes into one of Lionheart's adventures during his travels that is not described in the novels. Though it is told from Munny's perspective, Lionheart is a central character. The moment I realized that he was in this novella, I think I might have screamed... and scared my dog.

The new culture described in this novella, that of seafarers, was amazing and added a new depth to the world of The Tales of Goldstone World. The action was brilliant and some of Lionheart's comments were hilarious.

My one complaint was that it was not long enough. There were a few things that felt as though they should have been explained better or had their own plot twist (the peonies for example). Perhaps they will make an appearance in a later novel? (Looks as Anne Elisabeth in question).

To know what other books I back, go to my blog at http://backingbooks.blogspot.com/