A review by gem_dyslexic_reader
Death is Not Enough by Karen Rose


As part of the Blog tour for Death is Not Enough I was sent a copy of the book to review. I have read all of Karen Rose previous books and I was looking forward to reading Thorne and Gwyn story.

Four years after a serial killer tried to kill her Gywn is finally putting her life back together. When she finds her good friend and defence lawyer Thomas Thorne unconscious in his bed next to a dead women.  Someone wants revenge on Thorne, he doesn't want him dead he just wants his world destroyed. Gywn and their friends know that Thorne would never kill anyone, so they band together to prove his innocent and to stop anyone else from dying. As they look at the evidence it all points to a murder in Thorne past.

As Gywn and Thorne work together they also must decide if they should just stay friends or become more than just friends.

I would love for these books too be made in to film or T.V show, the action, romance, mystery just jumps off the pages and becomes very visual to me.

Thorne has been a character I have been interested in since You Belong to Me, I am not always a fan of defence lawyer, he is the exception to the rule. If I am every in trouble I would want him as my Lawyer.

This case was interesting as it was more about pulling Thorne world apart, and they way it was done was very clever. I loved how all of Thorne friends stuck with him, even when Tavilla thought they would have left him. He really underestimated the power of friendship that turn to family.

One of the things I like about Karen Rose books is that we get to see how everyone is getting on after their own story. In this book we got to see the friendship between Clay and Frederick grow after the truth came out about Taylor  in Monster in the Closet.

Karen Rose book to me are always great for Romance and crime mystery but always a great reminder that family isn't just who your blood.

I have yet to read a book by Karen Rose I did not like, and I doubt I every will.

I give this book 5 out of 5.

Thanks to Headline for sending my the book for an honest and fair review.