A review by meemzter
The Invasion by Michael Grant, K.A. Applegate



Never, in my wildest dreams, did I dare to hope that someone would ever take up this series again. And never, ever, ever, EVER, did I imagine that if someone DID attempt to do something with Animorphs.. that they would actually do it WELL.

But y'all.... 2020 actually produced one (1) good thing and it is this absolutely PERFECT graphic novel adaptation of Animorphs #1: The Invasion.

I don't know what to say. I just feel all warm inside. Animorphs is easily the defining fictional experience of my early childhood, if not my life. These characters (Marco, who is strategic, hilarious, and cynical; Rachel who is beautiful, reckless, and brave; Cassie who is compassionate, insightful, and relentlessly idealistic) shaped me. The bold philosophical questions that Applegate infused these books with shaped me (name a more profound and thought-provoking story than Animorphs #19: The Departure. I'll wait.). Animorphs is an at-times frustrating, at-times baffling MASTERPIECE of a series, and I could talk about it for hours (and have in fact talked about it for many hours in a dark corner of YouTube).

So this adaptation? It's exceptional. It stays utterly true to the source material while making necessary updates so that it's like... ya know... actually a graphic novel. The art is wonderful (although there were a few panels where tbh I sometimes wasn't sure if I was looking at Tobias or Rachel. But obviously this is not going to be a long term problem