A review by naveenpiedy
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie


Upon finishing the book, my immediate emotion was regret. Usually I don't read Introductions and Forewords. But I gave in to hype surrounding and decided to take in everything as to enjoy the book in its fullest.

The introduction by Louise Penny didn't spoil the ending. But it made me aware of possibilities that I wouldn't have come up on my own. This might have diminished the impact of the twist, but it did leave me with a unique experience (which the author might have not intended). I will explain more on this at the end.

Let me get this out of the way, the mystery is masterfully done. There is a certain rhythm to how complexities are added to the original mystery while old wrinkles are ironed out. It had me guessing which any good whodunit should do. While I could rule out quite a few suspects, halfway through the book, I was still wondering about their secrets and how it fit the larger picture. I can safely say, I was invested in every page.

While reading, I remember being frustrated whenever Poirot's action weren't explained. I considered it to be a cheap trick. To hide relevant information pertaining to the investigation from Dr. Sheppard, our eyes into this world. But it all made sense in the end.

Upon learning the murderer's true identity, the context of what I have been reading so far shifted dramatically. Till now, I was presented the account of a pretentious detective with glimpses of sincerity trying to unravel a crime which seemed to compound in complexity. But with the ending, I realized that it was a subtle game of cat and mouse not just between Poirot and Dr. Sheppard, but one between the reader and author.

I entertained this possibility early in the book (thanks to the introduction), but I dismissed it being too outrageous and impossible to pull off. And the book convinces me enough that this is the case, but at the same time gives enough room to pull off the twist. This tightrope act of deception is what elevates this being just another good story to a timeless one.

If I hadn't read the introduction, I probably would have loved the book more or hated it for betraying me. Instead, the ending came off as a satisfying and a logical conclusion. I am probably wiser for reading the intro, the one time (I think) I wish hadn't been.

Having said all of this, this is a masterful tale of secrets hidden and unraveling of it that works on both Watsonian and Doylist levels. In some ways, boundaries between both are blurred. While Sheppard undermines Poirot's investigation, Agatha deceives the reader without ever lying. If I can't be impressed by and appreciate a narrative that works on so many levels, I should call on Hercule Poriot to investigate why I am dead on the inside.