A review by barb4ry1
Fire Ant by Jonathan P. Brazee



I plan to read all novellas picked as Nebula finalists to satisfy my curiosity. Fire Ant follows a minuscule corporate exploration pilot Floribeth Salinas O’Shea Dalisay (abbreviated to Beth).

She doesn’t love her work, but she needs money and her job pays well. While returning from a profitable mission, she gets attacked by aliens. She barely escapes them, but it’s just a start of her problems. 

I liked Beth’s story. It’s simple and straightforward, and it doesn’t redefine the genre. Instead, it presents a relatable and likeable heroine, good team dynamics and exciting actions scenes. With lasers. And spaceships. And stuff.

Frequent infodumps explaining the mechanics of the universe knocked the pacing off the rhythm and, especially at the beginning of the story, we got more telling than showing. Fortunately, Beth has enough charm to make me overlook those minor issues.

A good entertainment, folks.