A review by dollycas
Ink Flamingos by Karen E. Olson


One of Brett's customers at The Painted Lady, a high class tattoo shop, has been found dead in a Las Vegas hotel room. She is found surrounded by several tattoo supplies including needles and ink pots. A woman matching Brett's description was witnessed leaving the crime scene.

As Brett is been profiled as the prime suspect a blog is found on the internet showcasing the dead clients tattoo. Then pictures of Brett start showing up on the blog and it even looks like the blogger is Brett herself.

Brett is frantic to find out who is behind this blog because she knows it will lead her to the real killer. The sooner she does that she can get back to her own life and see where the ink may lead her.

I loved this book so much. Karen is a wonderful writer and all these stories were pure pleasure to read. They almost have me convinced to get a tattoo, but no flamingos please.

The characters have depth and continue to grow, new sides are shown, romance is budding, each character is so overwhelmingly different but fit together so easily. The scenes are set in your mind clearly through the author's words, I have never been to Vegas but would love to go there now. The plots are well thought through and credible. The stories are some of the best I have read.

It is a fast paced mystery that will keep you up all night inking together the clues to solve the mystery, but in just four stories readers are emotionally connected to the characters that you are rooting for all of them, even some that may have lost their way. I for one am very sad that this is the last we will hear from Brett, Joel, Bitsy, Ace, Tim, Sylvia and Jeff. This is one reader who is having a hard time saying good-bye.

Disclosure Connection: I received this book free from Obsidian, a division of Penguin Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”