A review by readinggrrl
The Janes by Louisa Luna


Max Caplan's life is settling down into a very steady rhythm. He is working for a lawyer as a private investigator and making good money. Now his boss wants to hire him full time with flexible hours, benefits, the whole nine yards, but he isn't sure what to do. He can't seem to keep Alice Vega out of his thoughts and the case they had worked on together. Then he gets a message Alice needs him.

Dodging bullets, kicking people's asses and trying to stay alive seems to be the name of the game when working with Alice, not to mention the strange spark Cap feels for her and maybe something could come of it - if they get out of this alive.

This is a face paced thrill ride and Alice is a no nonsense kick ass female heroine. She is smart and capable and I'm not even sure if she really needs Caplan or just likes having him there to balance her. I love her go to mystery sidekick "the bastard" who can get information and hack just about anything. Only in this book we learn a bit more about the mysterious "Bastard" and I'm now excited to see how Luna incorporates this knowledge into future books.