A review by cass_lit
The Book of Night Women by Marlon James


I may be in the minority here, but I hated this. I would have DNF’d if I didn’t own a physical copy and I started it for a readathon. But by the end, I was listening to the audio on 3x speed. 

I don’t think I can pick out exactly why I hated it so much. The book isn’t intended to be pleasant or enjoyable — it’s a book about slave women. There are all of the trigger warnings you would expect: violence, rape, racism (verbal and physical), etc. I knew that going in. Beyond that, I expected a different focus of the book. Maybe this was my mistake, but I thought there would be a little bit of magical realism element. I also knew Lilith would be the main character, but I thought the other “Night Women” would play a more important role. I thought their planning and community would be the focus, rather than Lilith’s internal struggles and questions. And it sucks, but I just hated Lilith. I get that she’s young when we start following her. I get that she’s literally never had a free choice or opportunity. I get that she’s born into hell and generational trauma and was made to be stronger than she ever should’ve had to be. But GOD is she ANNOYING. I was rolling my eyes at her constantly and by the end wanted to scream out loud at her to fight. 

Unfortunately, maybe it’s Marlon James and I that don’t mesh well. I also wanted to DNF Black Leopard, Red Wolf and by the end of that was at 3x speed audio as well. People loved that one too but it  wasn’t for me; I thought maybe a different genre would work better (it didn’t). And I’m not saying it can’t ever be done or done well, but there’s something about reading very explicit scenes with the rape of women that were written by men that really take me out of the story. 

The 0.25 was added at the end when you find out who the narrator is. I liked that twist. Also a little unique thing I enjoyed was all of the character names and their allegories. 

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