A review by polaris42
Our Bloody Pearl by D.N. Bryn


I love stories of healing. And for a story about healing it was very good!

My issues with this are entirely spoilery hence hiding the review. So please don't read below. The non spoilers is I had issues with some of the thematic follow throughs and characters.

I didn't like that Perle killed Storm, it was established early on that Sirens don't kill other Sirens. No matter what. Let alone Perle killing someone that only wants to help them. While I get that it was Perle being scared they'd be willing to kill for love cue found family vibes. It just felt like a very big thing that happened that was very horrible, and while Perle felt bad afterwards but it never felt quite fully addressed.

Also, Kaine being spared and being linked to Storm also felt strange to me, since those are two different things. I get it's cycle of violence but Storm's death was never linked in with cycles of revenge and violence. While Kaine's definitely was. Perle giving Kaine a second chance just was bizarre.

I think if one of those plots was taken, or with changes due to pacing we flipped the two- potentially Perle killing Kaine at the very beginning in an act of rage and not being able to snap out of seeing everyone as a threat.