A review by bookphile
マイ・ストーリー / by Michelle Obama


Things that surprised me/ stood out:

- How little Michelle wanted to go into politics and how little she wanted to be part of that life

- It was strange to listen to her worry about money, and how they didn't actually have that much, even though they were working in really important jobs. But also she'd say things like 'we didn't do it for money, we wanted to make a change' but then go on to talk about how little money they were being offered for work, having to take pay cuts, or negotiating high salaries. So I guess, they didn't do it for money, but like... they wanted it.

- Her raw honestly about feeling abandoned by Barack while he was busy building his political career and demanded they go to couple's therapy just because of how angry and resentful she was getting. How much she hated that he decided to go into politics. Not afraid of talking about how she wanted her husband at home, with her and the kids. Her resentment towards the fact that she was the one who had to take the primary care taker role for the kids, and always the one who had to say no to things in terms of job advancement and career path. Like, the fact that it was never a question that Barack would hold back or slow down, the silent expectation was always on Michelle and she hated it. But also the fact that she hated feeling resentful because she felt like she was holding him back and she didn't want to.

- Again, her honestly about her and Barack's relationship. How it wasn't perfect even though they really love each other. But also reveals the flaws that make them very human.