A review by books_and_cha
Joy in the Morning by P.G. Wodehouse


“I might, that is to say, be safe from the dragon, but what about the hippogriffs? That was the question I asked myself. What price the hippogriffs?”

Another one to add to my Jeeves and Wooster collection. Despite there being similarities between this installment and previous ones in the series, Joy in the Morning did not disappoint. While earlier stories in the series were funny because of varying turn of events - everything always tends to go wrong in the best ways - the humor in this book was mostly in the narration. The sequence of events, even when predictable, felt fresh and amusing because of Bertie's perspective. Jeeves, as always, saves the day with some quick thinking and shimmering in exactly when needed. Although some of the humor was old fashioned, I still found myself smiling throughout and laughing out loud. *sigh* Wodehouse is always such a good pick-me-up. On to the next!