A review by bethreadsandnaps
In Light of All Darkness: Inside the Polly Klaas Kidnapping and the Search for America's Child by Kim Cross


 Superb accounting of the investigation into Polly Klaas's kidnapping. So many things went right in this: the emergency response team, the FBI and investigators, the new technology that had at least been tested, the media attention, a celebrity association with the cause, etc. While the author is related to someone involved in the investigation, this didn't come off as an ode to investigators.

There were some missteps, both with this case specifically and with how missing white women/girls are treated vs. people of color. Cross acknowledges these.

The writing is extremely strong and clear. For the vast majority of the book, you're following the timeline of the investigation extremely well. A few pictures are included within the text itself and not as a separate photo section, which I appreciated.