A review by theonionboy
The Diver's Clothes Lie Empty by Vendela Vida


I have never read a book told totally in the second person. For this story, it works. It helps set a tone of uncertainty like I felt watching the Jodi Foster movie Flightplan, where you felt the character's uncertainty about what was going on and who they were.

This is a story of a character's struggle with her identity. It worked really well, until the book just ended. It did not feel resolved, but maybe that's how it needed to end.

At the end I felt that the main character just jumped from one situation to the next, never caring about the mess she left for others, so I lost some sympathy for her.

I usually base my judgement of a book on how much it drew me back to reading and how hard it was to put down. In that regard this book would get 5 stars. I was intrigued and enjoyed the ride. But the ending was too abrupt and left me hanging, and that took a lot away from the overall enjoyment of the book.