A review by nat1577
Dark Ride by Iain Rob Wright


I really enjoyed this novel overall. It was very fast-paced and I found it hard to put down once I had started. I thought the story was interesting and unique, and the conclusion was actually really surprising. I also loved the setting - a horror novel set in an abandoned amusement park already has my attention from that aspect alone, and I thought the author did a great job at really using that setting to its full capacity. The descriptions of the ride were detailed and vivid, and I could easily picture what was happening in my head. The only parts of this I thought could have been improved further were the characters - I liked them for the most part, but aside from the main character, I thought that most of them seemed a bit bland. Also, while I really enjoyed the story line, I didn't find this particularly scary.

Those things aside, I thought that this was a great read and I would definitely recommend it.