A review by kristi518
The Captivating Lady Charlotte by Carolyn Miller


After reading the first book in this series I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one. After meeting Charlotte I wanted to read her story and hoped that it would be just as entertaining as Lavinia's. After reading this book I can happily report I thoroughly enjoyed Charlotte's story.

As Charlotte is navigating her coming out season she catches the eye of recently widowed Lord Hartington. I found myself liking both of these characters right away. Charlotte isn't a weak, timid girl but finds herself under the scrutiny of her mother who is trying to find her the perfect marriage match. Lord Hartington is the subject of much gossip concerning his marriage and his wife's death. These two characters were so well developed that it was easy to imagine them as real people and not just fictional characters. Their emotions and feelings just came right off the page and it was easy to form a connection with them. It was also nice to read more about Lavinia and Nicholas and their marriage.

I really enjoyed the storyline of this book. Not only did it entertain me but it had me thinking of the way marriages were arraigned among the wealthy during this time. To marry for social and financial reasons instead of love must have made for some unhappy couples. I could understand Charlotte's not wanting to be in a marriage decided on by her parents.

The pace of this book is perfect. I was never bored and always wondering what was going to happen to these characters. This is one of those books that you will want to read quickly to find out what happens but at the same time read slowly to savor every moment. I really like all of the historical details provided. It really makes the story come alive.

Although this book can be read as a standalone I would recommend reading the first book in the series before starting this one. This is a great story and one that I would enjoy reading again. I can't wait to read the next book in the series. Carolyn Miller has quickly become one of my favorite authors.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher and was not required to write a review. All opinions are mine.