A review by scribesprite
Reaching for Sun by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer


I usually hesitate with books in verse though the few that I have read I liked. After being told how great Reaching for Sun was I decided to give it a try.

I read it in one day and it was effortless. In the few words that are used I understood what was trying to be said. Cerebral Palsy makes others around Josie think she is retarded but she knows full well about the things going on around her. Josie is realistic in her views of the world but not really self pitying. She is more frustrated than anything I think.

13-year-old Josie has lived with her mother and grandmother for all her life and has never had a friend until a new neighbor comes in. From there a friendship blossoms as they spend time together. But it all isn't sweet and sugary just because of her new friend. Josie sees her mother's efforts as being told that her mother think she needs to be fixed. Classmates treat her as if she were stupid still.

A simple book full of feeling. I might've liked it better as a novel but for what it is it deserves a lot of credit.