A review by jaimie_lynn
The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate


"Humans. Sometimes they make chimps look smart."

So....who knew a kids book could destroy me in everyway possible? Not I said the cat.

Whoever knows me knows I HATE road side animal attractions, circuses, any take a picture with this animal or swim with that animal, Seaworld, and even some zoos. I'm an advocate for animals through and through.

This book was tooooough on my heart. It took everything I had not to cry the entire way through but when I got to the ending I sobbed like baby.

The book takes place at The Exit 8 Big Top Mall and Video Arcade. The place is run by Mack who has a gorilla, an elephant, and basically 2 dogs. The story is told by Ivan the gorilla and I love him so so much. You get the inside look at his feelings, what he's been through, and what's happening around him.

This is SUCH a good book for many reasons. Unfortunately I'm not going to share those reasons because I can't do it without giving a lot of the book away and I really don't like adding spoilers. But this is a great book for anyone. Even though it's labeled a kids book, I loved it at 34 and I would have loved it being even older as well. I can't wait to read The One and Only Bob! ❤️