A review by tessisreading2
Truman by David McCullough


This book just went on... and on... and on. I enjoyed the early days of Harry Truman, but then it just kept going, in oft-excruciating detail. As I approached the end, I found myself muttering things like, "Really? You think I care this much about his renovation of the White House?" McCullough was clearly aiming to write the comprehensive Truman biography, and I'm sure he has, but there were so many details about so many aspects of Truman's life that weren't particularly interesting - and Truman himself, frankly, doesn't necessarily seem that interesting: fair and honest and patriotic, yes, but if he had a really complex inner life, that... doesn't seem indicated. McCullough clearly really liked his subject, which is great, but did make it difficult occasionally to trust his objectivity in evaluating Truman's motivations or behavior. I guess I'm glad I read it, but wow, it took a long time.