A review by natanacreativepineapple
Cold Hard Cash by K.L. Hiers


Is it weird to say you’re in love with an author? Cause I want to devour every single one of Heir’s novels. I cannot get enough.

Jimmy is so innocent. You know that person who is precious and you don’t want the world to ruin but they’re super freaking nosy? Yeah that one lol.

Cold has a reputation for being ruthless and he definitely lives up to it. Cold and calm, put together almost always.The perfect type of person to be… in charge.

I listened to this audiobook any chance I got. The narrator chosen *chef’s kiss*. The way that the past history is tied in with current issues and how Jimmy even gets himself involved with Cold, like wow - Fantastic. I’m excited to open the next in the series and see what we get to find out about others introduced.