A review by lillimoore
The Book of Pride: LGBTQ Heroes Who Changed the World by Mason Funk


This book was woven together like a glorious, fabulous tapestry showcasing so many amazing LGBTQIA+ leaders that I had never before heard of, and people in positions or that have made contributions that might not always be recognized for their greatness. I really enjoyed listening to this book and the many interviews, and feel like I am only just scratching the surface of an astounding, oftentimes bewildering history of a diverse community in our country that has overcome so much.

My only complaint about this book is that it so often left me wanting more. I understand keeping the interviews shorter to accommodate more people while also maintaining a certain level of readability, but I would like to have seen these stories expanded more; every person interviewed could easily have their own full-length memoir and I would want to read next to all of them, and I personally wouldn't have minded this book being twice as long so I could get more, or divided into anthologies. Hearing so many perspectives from such a diverse group of older queer, gay, lesbian, trans, intersex, and bisexual people—and especially hearing them during Pride month—left me with so much hope, admiration, and love.