A review by theladyinreds
Thanks Fur Last Night by Milly Taiden, Kate Baxter, Eve Langlais


Review originally posted at: http://goodbadandunread.com/2018/03/15/review-thanks-fur-last-night-by-langlais-taiden-baxter/

This novella collection features three mostly new-to-me paranormal romance authors. There’s a little bit of everything here with stories that vary in tone from wildly over the top to deadpan serious. All three stories feature variations on the fated mate trope.

Bearing His Sin by Eve Langlais – This story opens with the mercenary hero perched in a tree thinking about his penis and about possibly assassinating some people. Then all hell breaks loose when Cole is confronted by the Russian farm girl who owns said tree and is not at all interested in dealing with his shit. The woman, Anja, is also his fated mate and that is a complication he is so not interested in dealing with. The story is crazy over the top but fun and it kept me highly amused while reading. The hero POV can be kind of challenging to get through because he’s such an arrogant jerkwad. Fortunately, his amazing heroine and her feisty grandmother are more than worth putting up with him.
Grade A-

Bought By The Bear by Milly Taiden – Josilyn is struggling financially after a terrible divorce and custody of her young nephew could hang in the balance. A job as a “fake mate for hire” for her friend’s paranormal dating agency might be just the break she needs. Xander is looking for a fake mate to keep his grandmother at bay, but when he meets his fake mate and realizes she’s actually his real mate, plans change and he’s got some major wooing to do. Xander and Josilyn make a good pair and it’s entertaining to watch them get to know each other.
Grade B

The Alpha and I by Kate Baxter – In isolated Idaho bar owner Devon finds a half-dead naked man in the snow on her drive home and rescuing him sets her life on an unexpected course. Her handsome stranger wakes up the next day and brings with him more questions than answers. Liam can’t tell Devon what happened because he doesn’t remember. She’s human, so he also can’t tell her that he’s the alpha to a werewolf pack that recently relocated to the area and that she’s his mate. What he can do is try his best to reconnect with his pack while keeping Devon away from whatever or whoever is targeting him. I’m a fan of snowed-in stories and the isolated aspect worked really well here.
Grade B+

Overall, I enjoyed all three stories in this collection and I look forward to reading more.