A review by literaygemini
Influencer: Building Your Personal Brand in the Age of Social Media by Brittany Hennessy


Influencer is a four part, 8 chapter book. It covers Building Your Community, Packaging Your Brand, Monetizing Your Influence, and Planning Your Future.

First, the time of the author is a bit condescending. It can and does grate on your nerves after awhile. It comes off as more of bragging but I’ve seen some people in high positions think and act that same way.

Secondly, regardless of her tone the information she provides is valuable.

I’ve taken notes and made a few changes. It helps to be able to go back and refresh with the information in case I missed something.

The example accounts she provides are helpful if you’re in that specific niche. If you’re not, if can be a bit hard to figure out which way to go.

Majorty if bloggers are in the health, fitness, food, beauty, fashion, travel, and mom category. For the rest of us in other niches, it would’ve been nice to have examples.