A review by sbbrown25477
All of Us Villains by C.L. Herman, Amanda Foody

Did not finish book. Stopped at 12%.
if magic mixed with mortal combat/ hunger games but it flopped. This is that book. Just because you add magic doesn’t make the characters any less bland. If you couldn’t care what happens to the spoiled rich kids that have to fight it out to the death explain to me why you want me to read this. It reminds me of when the prequel to the Hunger games was announced and we thought we would get Haymitch or Mags but we got a book about Snow. Nobody cared how he became an asshole because he became an asshole. The characters were just to unlikeable. I don’t know who this was to hit a home run for but I couldn’t even care to get to the 100 page mark before I called it quits.