A review by theflowergarden
Conversations on Love by Natasha Lunn


“It seems to me that we expect so much from love, yet devote so little time to understanding it. Like wanting to dive into the sea but having no interest in learning to swim.”

Another favorite read of 2022 and a new all-time favorite!
Natasha Lunn shares exactly what the title says through conversations with an array of interviewees such as the novelist and trans activist Juno Dawson, author Dolly Alderton, philosopher Alain de Botton and more. These interviews are also broke up by three parts ‘how do we find love?’, ‘how do we sustain love?’ and ‘how can we survive losing love?’ which help us to immense ourselves more into different periods of life. This books makes understand love in all of its forms, but it also explores heartbreak, loss, and grief.

"I didn't know that was how love worked. I thought it was a book you read and finished, and once you got through it you knew the story. But you never know the story. There's always a new chapter."

I loved also how you can see Natasha Lunn's growth throughout the years by spotting the changes in what she understands and knows about love from adolescence to adulthood to motherhood. Conversations on love made realize that no matter how much I think I'm lacking a certain kind of love, it's not the end of the world because I'm blessed with another forms of love that I should cherish and be grateful for. It gave me some perspective on how I am still going to learn and experience in love and life which seems daunting but at the same time, exciting.

“But the truth of this life is that there's a lot of pain in it. There's more loss and grief than we want to believe. How we make peace with that is the journey we're all trying to figure out.”