A review by karentje
Shouldn't Have You by Carrie Ann Ryan


I think the author did an amazing job writing Harmony and Brendon’s story. They go from friends to lovers so sweetly and gradually. I loved how they teased each other and the trust and friendship that grew between them. There’s some angst, but nothing too heavy despite the grief over losing Moyer that both Harmony and Brendon still struggle with. Those scenes especially made the characters seem so relatable, like genuine people and not perfect fictional beings. The long-awaited moment where Harmony and Brendon finally started to open up to each other and act on their feelings was as wonderful as I’d hoped for. She’d not like me for saying so, but I love Harmony’s inner strength.

The secondary characters, siblings and friends of the MC’s, are absolutely great. The whole gang is definitely growing on me, though Dillon is still by far my favorite, the youngest sure, but so insightful, levelheaded and utterly lovable, no doubt thanks to those romance novels he’s been reading!

Joe Arden and Maxine Mitchell did a fantastic job with the narration. Loved their performance! Their voices and reading styles match really well together and for me, theirs just are the voices of the Carrie Ann Ryan universe. I hope they’ll do this entire series.