A review by susiegorden
Girls of Riyadh by Rajaa Alsanea


I learned a lot about what it is like to be an upper-class Arabic, Muslim woman in modern-day Saudi Arabia, thanks to this book. The culture and the context were fascinating. And I liked the format ... as a series of emails to a listserv. That felt natural, clever and timely. I struggled with the plot lines and found the writing melodramatic and soapy. It's appropriate that it's been compared to Sex and the City ... that feels apt. My criticism of that show would run along the same lines.

It also was a bit frustrating that it focused solely on these very privileged women. I completely understand that that is the writer's experience and lens. But I kept thinking about how much worse each of their situations would have been if they weren't able to escape (albeit only temporarily, in most cases) to countries where their actions weren't so limited. Sadeem is able to lick her wounds in London, then meets her lover in Paris. Michelle heads to America and then Dubai.

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad I read it and found it enjoyable. Just didn't love it.