A review by katykelly
Clean by Juno Dawson


Witty and cuts-to-the-chase rehab story of a rich girl

There are many stories of drug addiction and rehabilitation out there. Some harsh and gritty (Trainspotting, Junk), others (Basketball Diaries, Requiem for a Dream) that show very average people being caught up in the world of drugs. It's not often that a very privileged, rich heiress is the protagonist and addict in question.

Lexi Volkov is the daughter of a hotel czar, who has never had a want she hasn't been able to satisfy. At the start of her story she is angrily struggling against 'kidnap' by her brother, as he forces her to an island paradise of a rehabilitation centre. As you would expect, Lexi does not believe she is truly an addict, but as she meets the other residents and begins to rid her body of the drugs, a rather satisfying and heartfelt recovery process can start.

The story is as much about the other addicts as Lexi, and they are a wonderfully chosen bunch - it was gratifying to see Dawson include a transgender character in this for whom gender was not the issue.

Lexi makes a very likeable (despite her flaws) narrator, she has a backstory you want to delve into, and she doesn't just glide through recovery without a hitch, she makes progress and falls back.

There are moments of genuine emotion - regarding drug addiction of course, and the stories of the residents, and it never feels as though Lexi, as someone privileged, isn't entitled to feel anything less than blessed and blissfully happy over her wealth.

Dawson speaks to the reader with the voice of an adolescent, creates a a set of people you find yourself caring about. And it feels contemporary and smart:
"We won't get through this alone. 'Get through what?' 'Get through anything.' 'Such wisdom.' 'I read a John Green book once.'

The mindset of a drug addict feels realistically written:
" Direct into the bloodstream. Now, that is pretty shameful actually. Worst part is, I knew that was proper junkie behaviour and I did it anyway."

It's honest. And sometimes very raw. This will make a great addition to a school library and as suggested material for a KS4 reading group. I would say age 14 would be a recommended age, there is a fair amount of sex/swearing that parents of younger teenagers may not appreciate.

With thanks to Netgalley for the sample e-copy.