A review by yumteezers
Fake Law: The Truth about Justice in an Age of Lies by The Secret Barrister


Whilst mostly UK-centric, it breaks down the myths and false narratives about the legal system that has perpetuated the media headlines (across print, television and social media) throughout the years. These manipulation of facts has resulted in politicians and the general public alike, misconstruing the true intentions of the law and what it is meant to uphold and further promoting misinformation around immigration, human rights and ignores reasonings made behind so-called “controversial judicial decisions”.

This book is incredibly well-researched and explains our legal system in simple and easy to understand concepts without assuming prior knowledge or having to resort to complex legal jargon. The writer is both witty and knowledgeable about the topics in which they speak for, and whilst it can be cynical at times, it is very reflective review of how dangerous media manipulation can be, especially in our current political climate. It’s a strong critique of how the media -as the fourth estate- has failed to act accordingly and within reason on many occasions and the fallout of it on a societal level.

The only reason I’ve refrained from rating it a full 5 stars is the emotional reaction I personally had to learning this information and having to step back many times from the book to recenter and digest my thoughts before coming back to it. It’s a trying read, but would definitely recommend if you want to challenge your own prejudices (if any). It SHOULD make you angry and it SHOULD upset you.