A review by larisa2021
Lady Maggie's Secret Scandal by Grace Burrowes


Ms Grace knocks it out of the park again. On a dreary, aching cold spring day, with some desperately needed moisture spitting and pounding down, this story was exactly what I needed by the fire with hot cocoa and feline warming wrap (torso, shoulder, feet, repeat cycle).

Each Windham sibling is unique, each future spouse is also uniquely their match, and find their way to each other in fresh ways. Nary a cliché to be found.

Delightfully we get to learn more about their Graces; and there is just enough brotherly assistance (interference) to keep the heroine assured she's loved and readers glimpses of the brother's busy living their HEA.

Maggie is a Treat. Intelligent, independent, loyal, caring. Not once does she devolve into the combative blue-stocking role or into helpless damsel in distress. She risks, she trusts in thoughtful steps, considers how her statements will impact the hero, her family, herself even. Her evolution from determined solitude to happily affianced is believable.

The sex scenes are done with spare prose. No rampant, turgids, fluids, screaming or such. Besides refreshing to read they also communicate the actions and emotions are very intense and private between two people that value those traits.

St Just is still my fav, with Lord Val a hair's breadth behind in second place. Don't miss this Windham sister finding her HEA, or any of the Windham's. Being part of this family would make the lack of hot showers and burden of corsets worth it.