A review by kristy_k
My Favorite Cowboy by Donna Grant


I think I can officially say modern day cowboy romances are not for me. This is my third (?) one and I've generally had the same feeling as with all of the others: a lot of eye-rolling over the insta-love and wishing for something more.

I found the mystery surrounding this one intriguing and I was genuinely interested in finding out who was harming the horses. But. The randomly inserted POV of the hired criminal to commit those acts missed the mark in my opinion. He was more of a caricature of a villain than an actual bad guy.

There was also weird transitions at times between POVs. One paragraph it was one character and the next it was another, sometimes of someone who wasn’t even in the same area as the previous character. (There was no page break or new chapter, just end sentence, next line, indented first sentence.) It caused confusion. I read an advanced copy so I can only hope this gets fixed in order to save other readers from this.

Lastly, while I like Audrey and Caleb as characters, two to three days is not enough time to decide you are willing to completely change your lifestyle and ideals (from not ever wanting to be married to all of the sudden being at ease with the thought of it). If this story could have been spread over months or even weeks I would have found this more believable. I just have a very hard time with insta-love and it normally has an adverse effect on me and I spend my time thinking of the implausibility of it all instead of focusing on the story.