A review by jerihurd
Reader, Come Home: The Reading Brain in a Digital World by Maryanne Wolf


This book should be given to every prospective parent along with their prenatal vitamins. It should be required reading in every teacher education course. I expected something along the lines of the usual "we're losing our attention span" diatribe, but I was so wrong. Wolf writes a thoughtful, persuasive and far-reaching analysis of how our distracted, online lives impact our ability not just to focus, but to build stores of internal knowledge that affect our ability to make analogies, personalize learning, analyze deeply and build empathy. Far from a luddite screed, however, her final chapters explore ways to harness the best of both the digital and physical worlds, as well as some future-gazing into where this all may lead us.

A thought-provoking read that I plan to revisit within the year.