A review by ebonygreads
Is this love? by R.S Pearce


I gave this book a four stars out of five. I really didn't know what to expect when I first started to read this as a book on my phone. In the end I actually really enjoyed it, I'm currently reading an ARC of the second book in this series.

This story follows Rockstar Johnny Cox, who lives in Los Angeles and falls in love model Aurora Taylor. This is the first book that I have read that is fully from the perspective from the male point of view. This was really refreshing and interesting to see. I really liked Johnny and Rory's relationship development. As well as the insights into Johnny's bandmates. The vibe of the book really felt like you were getting backstage passes to the bands concerts and lives.

I think we can all agree that Kate was the worst. I was internally screaming every time this women came onto my screen, but kudos for making us hate the character. The ending of the book left me hanging off my seat so I am entirely grateful to have jumped into the second book of this series.

The spiciness is this book in on a whole other level... NOTHING is left to the imagination. I do always forget how young these characters are supposed to be, I always feel like they are at least mid-twenties.

If you love a spicy romance, with a rockstar 80's vibe then this book is definitely for you.