A review by litloulou
Crashed Out by Tessa Bailey


Struggling a bit with the rating. I feel like this is an it's not you it's me rating. 3.5

So having read a few different Tessa Bailey books (and enjoying them!) I wasn't sure the spice level. This was a bit off for me in the plot to sex ratio. Like I needed more plot over a longer span. I am sure it is perfect for others but not my preference. I also needed a *little more history (I don't love when half a book is flashbacks but a little more family and friend history would be good). Why did Jasmine give up on music? Like I get not pursuing it but like what happened. If it was explained then I missed it. Also I get being on your blah blah blah but in four years you don't come back to see your sister and niece, not a great show of character regardless of his feelings about Jasmine.

So I liked the confidence of the younger character a lot. I mean he was a bit much and you don't need to become a star to learn to go after what you want, but whatever. She didn't take much convincing but I liked about 75% of his confidence and taking the lead.

Tangent: His stirring the pot with his sister and niece was unforgivable. Aside that doesn't really matter towards my review but I didn't like and others might not care about... River should realize that letting someone help some isn't what makes you weak. I don't care for her choices, but Sarge just makes it way worse. Not a fan. I am guessing there is a future story about River but I doubt I would like it without a better excuse for her choices to not tell someone they are a father. She makes it seem like it is all or nothing (romantic relationship and kid or none at all) and that just isn't accurate. Again, prob should save this for another review but it took me out of Jasmine's story honestly.