A review by lindee
Anything But Sports: The Making of FTL by David L. Craddock


If you are expecting a short, engaging account and some lightbulb-moment design insights into the making of the original release of FTL: Faster Than Light, this will deliver.

I have a number of Craddock ebooks from StoryBundle, etc., and had been a little hesitant to crack them open, since my first instinct when I see one author with a million ebooks is to connect it to monetization/passive income/information-product shenanigans, but I was pleasantly surprised. It's also spoiler-free, which means I'm likely to read more of these in the future.

It's an fluid, vivid read from someone with a real passion for the topic of game dev (who I'm glad is making a go at making that passion his living), included scene-setting details and had a good sense of story. The bonus interview with writer Tom Jubert was especially appreciated-- Craddock asked great questions and it was chock-full of substantive career insights, and the writing in FTL is such a big part of my enjoyment of it.

It's a nice time-capsule moment to see Jubert longing to take on more narrative design, pre-The Talos Principle, and funny to hear Davis & Ma be like, nooooo, we are not doing a free expansion after all this (which I'm sure they meant at the time). I also laughed very hard and felt very validated in learning where the term "roguelike-like" originated. I would definitely read a follow-up describing the birthing pains of FTL: Advanced Edition.