A review by e333mily
Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre


Essentially: French guy reads books and sits in cafés and is tormented by his own existence.

I especially liked how Roquentin’s Nausea was described in relation to the objects around him: getting trapped in a mirror, looking at a hand for too long and it turns into a bug, etc — locating that feeling of disquiet outside of himself.

I wish I had read this when I was a little younger; I think 19-year old Emily would have appreciated it more than I do now. But a really good read, nonetheless.

“The Nausea isn’t inside me: I can feel it over there on the wall, on the braces, everywhere around me. It is one with the café, it is I who am inside it.”

“All those objects…how can I explain? They embarrassed me; I would have liked them to exist less strongly, in a drier, more abstract way, with more reserve.“

“I wanted the moments of my life to follow one another in an orderly fashion like those of a life remembered.”