A review by shadowsmoon
Feebleminded by Ariana Harwicz


The characters in Feebleminded pop off the page with every line; it is absolute poetry. I read 'Die, my love' before Christmas and immediately ordered this second book in the pseudo-trilogy. I am so glad I did. Gosh, so what to say? It is a harrowing account of a mother-daughter relationship which echoes those that have gone before. It brings to mind the horrors of the hidden abuses that we probably don't think about too often, but that no doubt go on, in this sad world.

The relationship that the daughter has with the man is shown with a minimalism that works perfectly. The desire and longing made clear and open; bare and rugged. This book will, with no doubt, disgust and delight. The latter being an experience from reading such a refreshing and brutal account of a relationship between mother and daughter set against the rawness of survival at all costs.

I love Ariana's writing so very much and although I haven't read the original, the sheer complexity of the text suggests exquisite translation. I cannot wait until the third book is translated this Summer!