A review by hypergalaxies
Firebrand by Kristen Britain


Overall I'd say I liked this book, when you compare it to the previous one, Mirror Sight, which I absolutely hated. Considering my feelings for that one, it probably wasn't too difficult for this book to be a better one, as long as it didn't follow the same route as Mirror Sight. It didn't, thank god. It's still nowhere near as good as the first few books in the series though, which is a shame.

I found this book hard to stop reading, and I definitely enjoyed it to an extent, but there are still elements here that I didn't enjoy, just didn't work for me, and problems Britain has throughout this book and some of the other ones now too.

My biggest issues would be: how so many storylines are just dragging along, and remaining unresolved, there's a lot of past storylines (like the wall) that just don't get anywhere at all, and are barely mentioned in this book. Why include mentions of the wall at all, if nothing of note was going to happen there?

Then there's the issue of Karigan seemingly always being kicked when she's down, and sometimes it feels so unnecessary, as if Britain just enjoys torturing Karigan and throwing endless amounts of pain and conflict Karigan's way, for no good reason?

And then, there's the whole Karigan and Zachary thing. I'm pretty much over it after like nineteen years of this 'will they, won't they' and 'oh now they can't' 'but wait maybe...', the constant teasing of these two that continues throughout the books but never gets anywhere. Either do it or don't, but can we just let it get somewhere soon?

I did enjoy seeing more of Zachary himself, and outside the castle, and I enjoyed seeing the other Green Riders and Captain Mapstone, as I always do. I enjoyed Karigan's journey through the forest as well, and I was pleased that overall this book had a much less miserable and depressing tone than the last, despite Karigan's own, understandably, depressed nature at times. It wasn't as gloomy a read as Mirror Sight, which I appreciated.

All in all it was okay, but sadly not the best in the series, but if another book ever gets written I'll probably give it a read!