A review by lefthandedmatt
Star Trek: The Wrath Of Khan by Vonda N. McIntyre


I have a soft spot for film novelisations, as they were most likely the things that made me fall in love with books in the first place when I was a kid. But I also recognise the inherent low quality of many of them.

This is one of the good ones. It appears to be based on an early version of the screenplay and sticks to that fairly closely, but it also adds and expands upon it with quite a bit of new material which is very welcome. The result is an alternate version of the movie with more depth and more swearing (and the swears actually work very well).

The biggest addition is the expansion of Saavik's character and the reveal of her background as half Romulan. It's fascinating stuff and really gives her a lot more to work with as she attempts to establish relationships with those around her.

The book falters in that it doesn't quite deliver the emotional punch the film has, except for the events at the very end which it handles well. But most of the lines of dialogue which really hit home in the film fall a bit flat here, and some are altered to the point where they just don't work as well.