A review by davemmett
The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life by Twyla Tharp


I enjoyed this book a lot more than I expected I would.

A few things I took away from it:
Every creative work has a 'spine', a metaphor or message that holds it together. Not exactly the theme, more like the trace of where the idea came from that kept the project going.

I liked her concept (maybe it isn't hers, but it's in the book) of a 'metaphor quotient', one's ability to use and understand metaphors, to explain the world using reference to memories and experiences. Everyone can do it, but some are better than others at using metaphors. Her suggestion, of course, is that having a high metaphor quotient is connected to creativity. Probably true.

I read through the exercises in the book really quickly, but I might go back over them more thoroughly and try a few out. I love the point she makes with the exercises that creativity isn't just something you get out of bed and do, it's something that you need to work at. Anyone can be creative, they just need to prepare themselves to being creative, to open themselves up the idea that they can be creative, and to accept that they might make some mistakes along the way.