A review by readfrenzy
Sweet Fall by Tillie Cole


Don’t let the fact that Sweet Fall is a sports romance set on a college campus deceive you. This isn’t a New Adult romantic comedy – at all. It deals with some heavy subject matter, but it still manages to be… well… sweet.

Lexi and Austin are two college seniors who are each living inauthentic lives. To their friends, Lexi is the perky emo cheerleader, and Austin is the strong NFL-bound football player. In reality, they both wear masks to protect their insecurities, fears, and dark secrets. Their friendship gets off to a rocky start when they meet, but soon they recognize a kindred spirit with concealed pain. Safe from judgments, they begin to let their masks slip around each other.

The book is well written and quite thought provoking. Outward appearances can be so deceiving. How well do we really know what goes on inside someone’s life? I won’t delve into the secrets both characters are hiding, but Sweet Fall is very eye opening in its frank examination of stigmatized social issues. While the romance between Lexi and Austin is featured heavily, it’s the social issues and the importance of family that are the focal points of the story.

Sweet Fall is a continuation of the Sweet Home series and although it can be read as a standalone, it is more meaningful if you read [b:Sweet Home|18105011|Sweet Home (Sweet Home, #1)|Tillie Cole|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1376473414s/18105011.jpg|25423841] first.

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